Onto Vimeo I upload videos relevant to the course and my book, some of them we will discuss during the course.
Read outs
Reading of Chapter 7.1 and 7.2 (Password)
Reading of The Secret of the Four (Password)
Preface to the English translation
Presentations and lectures
Presentation on the Religion and Philosophy Forum of the SUM
Discussion after this Presentation at the Southern University of Mississippi
Presentation at the ISPS How can the Uncontainable be Contained? Paradoxes of Madness and Philosophy
Interview by Berry Vorstenbosch (Password)
Interview by Clara Humpston Part I (Password)
Interview by Clara Humpston Part II (Password)
Podcast Interview on Hermitix Part One
Podcast Interview on Hermitix Part Two
Interview in the Irish Times
Interview on the Mad in America website
For other written texts in English, see here